Raina's Cockatiels

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Q:Can cockatiels learn to speak?

A:Cockatiels are not very well-known for their talkative talents. However they are very skilled in imitating noises and melodies. Anyone, who wants to try and teach their cockatiel a few words, will have the most success with a male bird.

Q:Can cockatiels be kept singly?

A:Please do not do this! In their natural Australian habitat cockatiels are known as flocking birds, therefore please keep them at least in pairs.

Q:What does the crest tell us about the cockatiel’s mood?

A:If the crest is pointing directly upwards it shows that the cockatiel is attentive, adventurous and looking for activity. If the crest points upwards but the point of the crest is curved forwards: the bird is agitated and very restless. If the crest is placed loosely towards the back of the head, the bird is calm and relaxed. A crest pointing stiffly to the rear signifies fear and aggression.

Q:How large should the cage be?

A:The minimum recommended size for a cage or an indoor aviary for a pair of cockatiels is: 2m x 1m x 1m (L x W x H). If this size is not possible, the surface area for a pair of birds should never be less than 1m².

Q:Which types of food do cockatiels enjoy?

A:Suitable feeds for cockatiels are seeds such as millet, canary seeds, nyjer seeds, wheat, kardi seeds or oats. Seeds containing fats such as sunflower seeds and nuts should only be given to the birds in moderation. Foxtail millet is a special tasty titbit. Seed mixtures are also available to buy. You should also regularly offer the cockatiels some greens, fruit and minerals.

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